A tailor made service for international or first division coaches

What’s it look like?

All coaches need a coach. Lets meet to see what’s on your mind, how I maybe able to assist and what lessons I’ve learnt from the working at the highest level for the past 15 years

A mentor that has been at the coalface of international sport.

Being at the top is a lonely place. Not many people understand the pressure, the responsibility, the 24/7 nature of being a Head Coach. Having someone that understands the role, that can ask the right questions at the right moment, that can be a critical friend and can help you find the right path is something all the best coaches in the world utilise.

Make contact for intake

I’m taking on international or elite coaches for 1 on 1 coaching, let’s set up a chat!


“Adam is a 5 time Olympian, with both the knowledge and experience to help coaches take the next step in their career”


email: adamcommens@hotmail.com

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