6 Step Plan

Who’s it for?

Any club coach of any sport, that is looking to set up their season with a solid foundation for success.

This unique 6 step plan will set provide the platform for a whole new level of performance. By the end of these 6 x 1 hour sessions you will have the tools to build a group of athletes that  have more ownership, take more responsibility and are more accountability.

What’s it include

  1. 6 x 1 hour - 1 on 1 online sessions with myself

  2. Daily what’s app support

  3. Access to a community of coaches that provide endless resources and support

“We have been using the 6 steps to build our teams for the last 4 years. Its a fantastic way to ensure all areas are covered and your team is constantly evolving”

“The most interesting part of the 6 steps is that they are all interchangeable and all as equally important as each other. It really is incredible to see how all successful teams use these steps without actually realising it!”

1 on 1 consultations

You have challenges within your team and need a sounding board to bring new ideas. I’m available to take calls, ask the critical questions and guide you past that bottleneck.

Club/Federation consultation

Need advice on how to build a club? Tailor made packages are available, including a full performance audit, recommendations and recruitment advice.


“Writing strategic plans for any club is a daunting task, Adam’s ability to break it down into a simple, usable format has helped us set up the ideal structure for our young growing club”


email: adamcommens@hotmail.com

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